What Can Mindfulness Do for Your Emotions?

Mindfulness is the skill of experiencing the present moment exactly how it is by being fully aware of your experience and, most important, the why of your experience.

In order to relieve stress, slow our minds down, and promote peace in our lives, you must begin to understand your thoughts and feelings in relation to your experiences.

Why mindfulness?

Mindfulness practices allow you to build your emotional intelligence, self-awareness and resilience. This practice acts as an upgrade for our body’s internal operating system. One of the main components of mindfulness is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that can help you successfully manage both yourself and the demands of working with others — at work and at home.

What does developing emotional intelligence let you do?

  • Know yourself well

  • Control your emotions

  • Have and show empathy with the feelings of others

  • Use social skills in an effective and pleasant way

Developing emotional intelligence involves:

  • Mindfulness

  • Being in control of your own thoughts, emotions and needs

  • Being positive and self-motivated, even when facing setbacks

  • Using empathy

  • Communicating effectively to build productive and positive relationships

  • Using emotional reasoning (using emotions to enhance, rather than restrict, your thinking)

But how do I do it?

In order to develop emotional intelligence, you first have to understand yourself, which is the foundation of mindfulness. We often react rather than thinking through our actions in challenging situations. These automatic responses are usually linked to negative past experiences or worries about the future. They often aren’t related at ALL to you, the other person, or the situation as it is right now.

Mindfulness plays an important role in understanding how baggage from the past and worries about the future affect your interpretation of the present moment.

Developing your emotional intelligence through a mindfulness practice will allow you to see the facts in the current situation with clarity, and then you can act with intention. Through breathing exercises, mindful meditation, and self-reflection, you can start to regulate your emotions, manage your responses to stress, and live more in tune with yourself without judgment or unrealistic expectations of yourself or others.

It allows you to act with confidence and kindness as you present your best and most authentic self to the world.

Learn more about what services I offer in mindfulness and meditation.


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