A Morning Routine for Success & Grounding

You may or may not know that I grew up in a predominantly white town in the 1980’s and 1990’s. My parents made sure to raise me and my siblings with a nice blend of American and West Indian culture.

I see now though, that as American as I am, so much of who I am is because of my heritage. 

Our family dynamics, values, and practices date back to a time way before my parents were born. It’s incredible to me how some traditions can be passed down through generations and across continents. The narrative in my house was always something from the book of my parents’ upbringing in Trinidad and Jamaica, their hard work defying the odds of being immigrants, and sacrificing to move us into the beautiful, quiet, safe, neighborhood where we grew up. 

Throughout my childhood, I watched my parents wake up with the sun and prepare for the day with practices including: exercise, prepare lunch, review the day’s schedule, eat a healthy home cooked breakfast, head out early so you don’t have to rush to get where you’re going. Our homework was always done, clothes were picked out, and our bags were always packed from the night before. 

This practice of preparation set us up for success each day.

It gave us an opportunity to start the day with a clear head, even enjoy ourselves, and afforded us the space and time to deal with things that went wrong rather than rushing and struggling to keep up through the rigamarole. Ask kids, we didn’t always get it right, but as we got older and the routine got more solid, it was that much easier to come back to after an off day (or week or month!).

My parents never made us feel guilty about their struggles as immigrants to raise us but instead ingrained in us the importance of working hard NO MATTER WHAT, living with integrity, taking good care of your family, and taking even better care of yourself. They worked hard to get ahead and raise their kids well. They also led by example. I honestly don’t know how they did it. But what I DO know is:

It’s the example they set in self-care and well-being that has shaped my own practices as an adult. 

And today, I’m sharing the morning gems with you!

Wake up before or with the sun = PREPARE FOR THE DAY

  • Yup, wake up by 6:30am :)

  • Ease in to the morning - spend some quiet moments in bed, just laying there allowing your senses to wake up (yes, that means no devices).

  • Devotion - prayer, meditation, or breathing; time spent focused inward.

  • Gratitude practice - starting your day with reciting or journaling what you’re grateful for, even small or trivial things puts life into perspective; perhaps start with 3 things.

  • Do something that brings you JOY - watering plants, read a few pages of a leisure or motivational book, etc. Fill up your cup to the brim!

  • Exercise - the emotional, mental, and physical benefits are endless. Be sure there’s a mix of strength, cardiovascular, functional fitness, mind/body, and stretching training in your weekly workouts.

  • Prepare your meals - use fresh foods, limit the amount that comes out of a box, sit to eat your home cooked breakfast and bring homemade lunch from home (whenever you’re able to head back to work/school, that is!) This will take planning from the night before and preparing a grocery list a few days prior but the rewards are plentiful. The key: keep it simple. Super simple!

  • Make your plan for your day - create a success list (rather than a to-do list) or even better an EFFORT list (this just sounds and feels SO much better) highlighting the priorities and then the “other stuff” that you’d like to do (keep in mind - not everything can be a priority and some stuff will have to wait until tomorrow) AND schedule breaks into your day (walk, meditate, call a friend, something to recharge).

  • Head out/get to your workspace early - the stress of rushing is enough to turn your day upside down. Waking up early to prepare gives you the opportunity to leave the house or get to your home workspace at a time that allows you to settle in before you have to be “on.”

You may have heard all of these suggestions already. You may have even tried some before. Still, I encourage you to take some time this week to consider your current morning routine. We are always evolving and can make adjustments at any time (I reassess pretty often!). Trial and error is a fun game when it comes to the practices that start your day. And remember - you don’t have to do ALL of these to make your day successful. It’s not the quantity but the QUALITY. And you can have flexibility day to day as you find your groove. Be sure to offer yourself some grace as you explore and enjoy!

Be well, Be YOU!

~ Steff


Tune in to August


Dreams, Change, Feelings, and Mindfulness