6: Keeping winter’s vibe going when society’s not
Juicy January and a resourced 2023
The reality is, it’s still winter. Nature is still calling us to reflect, rest, recalibrate, rejuvenate, imagine/dream, and continue with December’s sloth mode.
But at this point in the last week of January, you might be finding that you’re using a lot of your energy (and limited capacity) actively resisting society’s breakneck pace out of the gate since January began rather than using all of that to pour into yourself and your disrupting.
Are you wondering: How in the hell do I actually continue to align with winter’s vibe when absolutely nothing in dominant culture is?
The shit we need to talk about today in Episode 6 is:
Juicy January: A new take on practices that are nourishing, sustaining, and pleasurable and why immediate gratification falls way short in the long term
Centering your heart’s intention, deepest desires, how you want to feel, and rest over an objective fueled by guilt, shame, not enoughness, and fear plus how to create a sustainable way forward with aligned practices for the whole year (or foreseeable future!).
Mindset reframe: “should” is shit and “support” is where it’s at
References in this episode: Mia Birdsong: @miabirdsong on instagram
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Additional resources from this episode: Get the episode transcript here.