28. Be truly at ease this summer
In your mind, heart, and all of your cells
The shit we need to talk about this week is: we need some more freaking ease in our lives.
It goes without saying that we need to end all the horror and trauma and bullshit of inequity, stripping people of their rights, and all the ways certain groups are in danger here in the US and around the world. So let’s keep doing the work of standing up to all of that shit, AND let’s also resource ourselves by allowing more ease in our lives.
You know I don’t mean just in taking a walk or a bath - although those are two great things! I’m talking about being at ease in your mind, your heart, in your body, all the way down to your cells and deepest layers of tissue. Why? Because our health needs it and also because it’ll fortify us as we continue to deconstruct the systems.
And before we get started, I need you to consider: how often are you doing something “relaxing” or “leisurely” and your mind is racing at a mile a minute or stuck on a loop with one thought or worry? Or maybe you don’t feel at ease at all?
Summer’s vibe offers us such a sweetness in relaxing, in being leisurely, in being at ease. I mean, to be honest, it’s necessary in order to properly use the energy that is inviting us to transform, expand, and reap.
The offerings in this episode to support you in being at ease include:
Being mellow - and the first step here may be lessening your intensity!
Taking it easy through:
Quiet time
Time to yourself
Enjoying nature
The R practices
7 Types of rest
Getting abundant and restful sleep via:
Powering down
Evening rituals
Sleep times
And some other practices we discussed in the last few episodes: morning ritual, daily rhythm, slowing your roll, pausing throughout the day
Jump in for all the goodness!