27. Enjoy summer's fire

Without overheating or causing a brush fire in your life

Summer mode is officially activated, and this week, the shit we need to talk about is: enjoying summer’s fire without overheating or causing a brush fire in your life.

This will all depend on your energy dominance and how you’re currently experiencing life, of course. So, I offer guidance based on each energy so you can transform, expand, and reap while staying mellow, without overdoing it, and enjoy the sweetness of summer. 

The offerings in this episode include:

  • The concept of agni, our internal fire, and how to maintain it and not cause it to max out

  • Considering ama, the sticky stuff left behind from anything that is undigested

  • Exploring practices to strengthen and maintain your digestive fire, including, 

    • Daily rhythm

    • Morning routine that is intentional and flexible

    • Daily self-love acts

    • Slowing down and pausing more often

    • Meal timing & size of meals

Jump in for all the goodness!


28. Be truly at ease this summer


26. Live in tune with yourself this summer