12: Rigidity and pushing forward are holding you back

Answer nature’s call for flexibility and tune into your knowing


There is a rigidness in our practices, routines, beliefs, expectations and lifestyle that is a product of dominant culture which stands in the way of us being flexible, of tuning in to our knowing, and meeting ourselves there with trust, compassion, and aligned action without guilt or shame. 

Constantly pushing ourselves to achieve, not dealing with our feelings (whether that’s as a result of not having support or space or especially resources), not honoring or tending to or living in alignment with our needs and desires, reaching for external things for fulfillment (the benefits of which often end up to be fleeting), living without access to the appropriate resources for living a stable and secure life, PLUS dealing with the continued injustices and blatant assault on the lives and rights of specific groups of people including BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks, is fucking with our mental health and our overall well-being.

In this episode, the shit we need to talk about is:

  • We need to also disrupt the systems and status quo that affect our daily and day to day living.

  • Nature is on a cycle, so each season’s energy and invitation is different and will affect YOU differently depending on your natural energetic dominance and current state of balance or imbalance. Thus, our self-care practices need to be flexible and shift accordingly to maintain harmony.

  • When we begin the push in January, that goes against nature’s energy and as a result, produces a lot of strain on our being. It’s no wonder why we’re running on fumes by September, sheer exhausted by November, and barely holding on in December. 

  • Spring is a time of birth, new beginnings, renewal, gentle growth, softness, and warming. Above all, this phase of nature’s cycle is our time for tending the soil of our life, an initial planting of what we want to grow for the rest of the year, and moving at a speed that is sustainable and allows us to be and be resourced all the way to December 31st.

  • During the glitch period, the two weeks between the end of winter and beginning of spring, doing inner work practices to tune into what you truly need, identify what needs to be cleared out, and ways to center rest and pleasure as you move forward in your gentle, yet expansive transition into spring will be supportive - and I’m offering some in this episode!

Bottom line: When we live in tune with nature’s energy AND our needs, when we recognize where dominant culture’s pace and expectations are harming us and there’s a better, more aligned and sustainable way forward, we are better resourced for the long run, we create more ease in our lives, we reduce our attachment and grasping to shit that isn’t for us, and we decrease our reach outside of ourselves for constant fulfillment.

Jump in for all the support and practices!


13: The truth about the endless cycle of burnout


11: Loosen up your grip