38. Finding stability during times of change


the fall back to yourself series starts this thursday, september 21st!


The glitch continues as the last bit of summer comes to an end and we prepare for fall to begin this weekend. In today’s episode, we’re continuing to explore practices that will support you as you navigate this time of change, and actually these practices can offer you support throughout the fall season! They include:

  • Tuning in to your present needs and how you want to feel during September. 

  • Creating a plan for committed action that is flexible based on your available time, how much energy you have, and the type of energy present for you.

  • Leaning on your morning routine for stability and adjusting based on how you’re feeling.

The shit we need to talk about is that this approach is quite different from western dominant culture and you might need some time (and grace) unlearning the rigidity taught to you in the name of discipline and consistency as you relearn a more intuitive and tender way. I know I continue to need that on my journey! 

Remember, we can’t just do what we always do and bypass our needs for the sake of being consistent because that just drives unease and deepens burnout. So as you continue to navigate the glitch and the beginning of the variable fall season, use the changeable vata energy to adjust your practices to meet you where you are. 

Jump in for all the goodness!


39. Is it ok to celebrate special moments while the world is on fire?


37. What to do when things get glitchy